New Outriders trailer shows off gorgeous, ruined sci-fi vistas


Jan 9, 2020
The planet Enoch is a pretty lovely place, ain’t it? At least, that’s what a new trailer might lead you to believe. Developers People Can Fly have debuted their “Frontiers of Enoch” trailer at PAX East, giving us another look into the Sci-Fi world developed for their upcoming co-op shooter. The trailer sweeps across vistas both verdant and devastated, showing off some pretty inspired sci-fi landscapes where, very clearly, something has gone quite wrong. Strange rippling blue energy plays across floating chunks of earth, and pulses from stones in jungles overrun with pulsating fungus. Amid it all are the ruins of a civilization both human and—perhaps—alien.

Outriders is a co-op shooter for 1-3 players from developers People Can Fly and published by Square Enix. It’s a game advertised as having the “intensity of a shooter, depth of an RPG” which means that it has guns, four customizable classes, and a story, probably. There’s not a ton of information yet about the game, but the story and world do seem compelling. Outriders is due to release “Holiday 2020,” according to its Steam page and official website.