BootyTape News


Jan 9, 2020
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FreeLeech and 1MB of Upload Lotto to Win 20GBs for All!!!

In the future I will not be linking to Utorrent/Bittorrent because after all these years it's not the same as it used to be. People are still having connection issues because of those torrent programs and I believe it's better to promote torrent programs like: Qbittorrent, Vuze, Transmission or Deluge
Okay Here's the rules to the current running lotto:

Everyone Can Buy 1 Ticket
Each Ticket Cost 1 MegaByte Upload
The Grand Prize is 10,000 GBs Upload
There Will Be 500 Winners To Split The Grand Prize
This isn't your local state lotto, this one is rigged for you to win!!!

Play Lotto, You'll Win, Everyone Wins!!!!

Winners will have their prize added to their upload amount at: 12AM, February 24th, 2020. Everyone that enters wins.

We started September 22nd, 2008 and we are still going strong. Thank you to everyone for the support. We are now in our 11th year and going strong.

FreeLeech has started and will run until (12am midnight Eastern Time, February 24th, 2020).

All torrents 500 MB or more in content size are free to download because we are in freeleech.

Remember* All torrents 5 Gigs or more are always FreeLeech even when this event ends.


Ratio Help

Do you understand how to use your Bonus Points? Click Here To Go To The Bonus Shop

****Donate to help our ever growing community and fix your ratio. Act now, since we've added an extra 50Gigs to the normal VIP packages until April 1st, 2020.

Additionally, 1,000 seed/VIP bonus points are given, to those that donate 20 dollars. And get even more VIP bonus points the more you donate. Note: 1,000 VIP bonus points removes 20Gigs of download from your ratio.****

And if you don't want to worry about your ratio, you can always donate to the site. We've made it 10 years now because all your love and support, let's make it another 10 years.

Updated or New Feature Information

I have fixed add and remove torrent comment subscriptions feature on the details page. And I've made a new page, that allows you to mass remove as many torrent comment subscriptions as you want:


I will add more to this page soon and do more work with subscriptions. This is almost a test run, because it doesn't have as much options as I really want to add to the page. It's very basic right now, but it's in working order.

In the past I've heard, people are tired of running into torrents they've already downloaded. That's why I've come up with this new feature called "Torrent Blocker".

What this new feature does is block torrents you've commented, bookmarked, thanked, seeded or downloaded from showing up. Now if your new to BootyTape, this feature won't mean much to you.

If you've been an active commenter, bookmarker, thanker, seeder, downloader or don't like to see throw back torrents, this will save you time.

And you can adjust how much you want to block by going to "Edit Profile".

By the way you can find the Turn on and Turn off link on the torrents.php page.

Added Information

Also everything you need to know about the tag system is written here: How To Use The Tag System

Best Regards,
BootyTape Webmaster