Charli XCX: I woke up surrounded by sex


May 23, 2015
Charli XCX says two people having sex next to her was the "perfect ending" to a bad festival experience.
The British musician has already started her event takeover with a show at last weekend's Sweetlife Festival in Georgetown and has plenty of performances ahead, including Glastonbury.

Some people use the occasion to dabble in various substances, which Charli can relate to, but there was one time which didn't go as planned for the star.

"Oh, gosh. I remember I was at the Secret Garden Party and I peaked, let's say, very quickly and had to sit on the floor in the middle of this tent while the Whip were playing. Everyone was jumping around me and I just sat on the floor, passing out and vomiting. It wasn't great," she cringed to British newspaper The Guardian. "But then the next day I woke in a ball pit and two people were having sex next to me. The sun was shining and they seemed very happy, so it was kind of the perfect ending. I quickly left, I might add ' I didn't want to disturb them."

Quizzed on the one hygienic thing she'd do while camping, Charli reasoned brushing her teeth is "vital" to start her day and she also thinks a spritz of perfume is helpful.

While many shudder at the thought of using festival toilets, that isn't the case for the 22-year-old.
"I'm kind of weird because I find the toilets at festivals really interesting. I always take photos of them and send them to my friends who aren't there," she shared.

"I know [it's disgusting], but it's funny for me. But I've never fallen in one or been pushed down one, thank God, because I would have had a tantrum."

Charli isn't a keen camper and she'd pick a hotel over a tent as she's no good with logistics and instructions. One thing she is proud of, though, is being able to get her sleeping bag back into its tiny case.