Durex calls for a condom emoji!!


Aug 27, 2015
lol ..yes thats right Durex is calling for a emoji ..just make sure you send to the right number

Emojis have come a long way in recent years - since they were first integrated into Unicode in 2010, we've gained emojis of all different ethnicities, emojis for every flag in the world, and even the middle finger emoji.

However, we're still missing a condom emoji. Durex wants to change that.


Sure, it's a smart marketing campaign, but there's also an admirable social cause behind it.

It's easy to suggest sex with emojis (think aubergine, peach, the 'OK' sign), but there's nothing that shows safe sex.

So, to coincide with World AIDS Day on 1 December, Durex is encouraging its customers to call upon the Unicode Consortium, who oversee the introduction of new emoji, to give the world a condom emoji in their next update.

As Durex says, "an official safe sex emoji will enable young people to overcome embarrassment around the discussion of safe sex."