Fallout 4 Copies Break Street Date, Title Screen Leaks


Mar 22, 2015
With less than two weeks left until the launch of Fallout 4, it was only a matter of time before retail copies started leaking out into the wild. Hype is so high for Bethesda’s latest, in fact, that many are likely trying to procure early copies, rather than wait patiently for the November 10th release date.Needless to say, there are apparently some Fallout 4 copies out there, so those concerned about story spoilers should tread lightly for the next few days. It won’t be long before gamers have mined all there is to know about Fallout 4, and by then the Internet will become a landmine field filled with copious amounts of info.

One non-spoilery item that has come from the recent Fallout 4 leak is the title screen for the upcoming game. What’s most interesting is that the title screen includes a ‘Crew’ option, which is something Bethesda has yet to address in any meaningful capacity. It’s possible that a player’s crew will be those NPCs that inhabit their home base, or the option could factor into some type of multiplayer component.

However, considering Bethesda hasn’t announced any major multiplayer option previously, we doubt the ‘Crew’ option is too major. It’s also worth mentioning this could be an elaborate Photoshop and we’ve all been fooled, but who would be cruel enough to joke about Fallout?


The title screen image itself features our Wasteland Adventurer’s Power Armor workshop where, presumably, they will be able to customize their post-apocalyptic gear. Could be that hitting start loads right into the workshop/garage, and that the area serves as a type of hub for Fallout 4. Or maybe Bethesda just wanted to keep the symmetry of featuring Power Armor on their title screens, like the one in Fallout 3.

Of course, with only a title screen to work with, any assumptions about Fallout 4’s gameplay are pure speculation. It’s a good thing, then, that Bethesda has been so diligent about detailing every facet of their upcoming RPG’s experience. The developer has released individualvideos for each of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, detailed a tiny bit of the base-building mechanics, and even fleshed out how some of the Power Armor customization options.

Ultimately, any teases only serve to remind us how closeFallout 4 is. The game has been a long time in the making – despite only being announced earlier this year – and soon players will immerse themselves in what they hope is a Game of the Year contender, and what Bethesda hopes will be their best selling game ever.
What do you make of the ‘Crew’ options in the title menu?

Fallout 4 releases November 10, 2015 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.