Free PlayStation Plus Games for November 2015


Mar 22, 2015
Sony reveals the games that will be added to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection in November, which includes Beyond Good & Evil, Mass Effect 2, and more!

A couple of months back, Sony introduced the Vote to Play program for PlayStation Plus. However, as we’ve now learned with the announcement of the free PlayStation Plus titles for November 2015, it looks like they’ve elected to forgo Vote to Play yet again. That being said, PS Plus’s November offerings are quite good, with or without fan voting.

This month sees three free games available for PlayStation 4 PS Plus subscribers, three for those playing on PlayStation 3, and two for PS Vita owners. First, let’s start with what PS4 gamers can expect next month.

PS4 owners can look forward to a pair of action-RPGs, including a game that will be making its debut in the Instant Game Collection. That game is Dragon Fin Soup, the freshman effort from the development studio Grimm Bros. Dragon Fin Soup features procedural generation, as well as two distinct game modes that should give players plenty of variety. There’s the Story Mode, which offers players a more traditional RPG adventure, and then there’s Survival, which ditches the story in favor of seeing how long players can survive with only one life.

The other action-RPG to be made available for PlayStation 4 PS Plus subscribers next month is Magicka 2. It released earlier this year to somewhat lukewarm critical reception, but was praised for its 4-player co-op functionality. Considering its amusing singalong karaoke trailer, Magicka 2 definitely appears to have charm, and that combined with 4-player co-op could make it a surprise favorite for PS Plus subscribers.

The third and final game to be free on PS4 is the second season of The Walking Dead. Anyone that played the first season knows to expect a rollercoaster ride of emotions from The Walking Dead: Season Two, and it is perhaps the most noteworthy free game coming to the service on PS4 next month.

Moving on to what’s on deck for PS3 owners, Dragon Fin Soup will be available, along with two excellent, critically-acclaimed games. Beyond Good & Evil, a criminally underplayed game from Michel Ancel, will be available alongside Mass Effect 2, a bona fide masterpiece from BioWare. Hopefully by making Beyond Good & Evil free, awareness for the game will increase, and we’ll see more demand for the long delayed Beyond Good & Evil 2.

And finally, PlayStation Vita owners can expect two free games in November, though we doubt it will make them feel any less slighted by Sony recently announcing that there are no first-party Vita games in development. In any case, one of the two free Vita games is yet again Dragon Fin Soup, which will be launching simultaneously across all three of Sony’s current gaming platforms.

The other Vita game is actually a PSP game, the monster-catching augmented reality title Invizimals. First revealed during Sony’s E3 2010 press conference, Invizimals has always seemed like an attempt to create a Pokemon equivalent for PlayStation. Perhaps making it a free download will create new Invizimals fans, but considering the game is over five years old at this point, it seems like that ship has sailed.

All things considered, the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection lineup for November 2015 is actually pretty great. There are a number of truly excellent games available, and the selections aren’t entirely indie games. It’s nice to see some big budget titles like Mass Effect 2 return to the service, and hopefully it’s a sign of things to come.

PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to downloading these free games beginning next Friday, November 6th. In the meantime, be sure to download October’s Free PS Plus games before they expire!