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August 2023 News

Here comes summer, here comes summer, the blazing sun, pastis and mosquitoes. The men's Tour de France is folded. The women's Tour de France has just arrived in Pau and the rate of uploads remains at more than 1,500 each week , or 3x the cruising rate than before. Bots work fine, some failed reseeds (~5%) are usually fixed by hand or reuploaded.
So on our side, everything is fine! However, I remind you that donations are vital for ABN, we alternate months well above the need with others well below... So, those who can and are willing, when you see the bar (for those who would not know it yet, under the ABN logo, the letters of the text ABNORMAL TRACKER turn blue depending on the donations),

In passing, we remind you once again of the upload rules, which are to be applied everywhere and by everyone .
Each upload must comply with ABN's rules:
Each upload must be in a folder containing the .nfo and the release (movie, series episodes, anime, etc.). Nothing else .
Each upload must be named correctly (the folder, the .torrent and its files inside). Read the upload rules in the Wiki.
For example, what's allowed:

And what's not:
We've communicated enough about this for over a year. From now on, any uploads that do not respect the rules will be deleted without warning. There is a log page that will explain the reason for deletion, editing and/or pending. Consult it before consulting us.
We obviously can't check every torrent uploaded every day, but new tools are coming to make it easier for us. We will be even more vigilant thanks to these.
Newcomers must read and respect the rules of a new place. There will be no more exceptions .

On these beautiful words full of common sense, the staff and I wish you a good summer vacation (or not, for the more adventurous). Enjoy, eat, drink (not too much anyway, you want quality releases &#128526, relax with your families and friends.
