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bit-hdtv news


Apr 14, 2022
Reaction score
Rating - 88.9%
8   1   0
The most recent downtime (05-Aug-2023) was due to an incident with our hosting provider, they are the victim of a ransomware attack and all the Virtual Machine disks have been encrypted.

Fortunately for Bit-HDTV the Database ( data ), the Website and API are all hosted at a remote site that is separate from the hosting provider used for the VMs, the Tracker application, irc bot, mail server and the network communication ( public and private ) where disrupted. No data loss occurred and no data were leaked.

Actions that have been performed thus far:

The Domains have been proxied using Clouflare and pointed to the remote site.

The tracker application has been re-deployed to the remote site.

What is not working:

1. The tracker is not working on port tcp/2710 any more, Cloudflare does not permit this type of port proxy.

Everybody needs to change their announce urls to https(preferred) or http without tcp/2710 port.

(https://www.bit-hdtv.com/forums/viewtop … 44#p103544)

A tutorial and a script will be posted in order to bulk edit all the torrents. UPDATE 2 - created

2. Users using IPv6 might experience issues, the site and tracker where not designed to use IPv6, the site was quickly transitioned to ipv6 but the tracker doesn't support IPv6 at all ( torrents will show ). (a solution will be developed)

3. Email server was lost with the encrypted VMs, can't send/receive email, password resets, sending invites, new signups are not working. UPDATE 1 - restored

4. IRC announce bot was lost with the encrypted VMs, the IRC announce bot is not working at the moment.
UPDATE 3 - restored

Precautionary measures for users:

As far as we are aware, no user data are compromised, however as we can not be 100% certain that there has been no compromise, we strongly encourage that all users (members and staff alike) change their account password and follow the password best practices.