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Apr 14, 2022
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he First Anniversary of Mingjiao on August 18th Station Celebration Seeds Contest (From 00:00 on August 16th to 24:00 on August 31st, 2023)
The First Anniversary of Mingjiao (August 18, 2022-August 18, 2023) Station Celebration Seeds Contest (Start and End Time: 00:00, August 16, 2023 - 24:00, August 31, 2023) 1. Participation method:
Send plant or replant.
2. Participation requirements: If there are more than 10 effective seeds released, there will be a participation award.
More than 30 types of instant contribution awards.
3. Event object: All members and working group members of this site
. 4. Event rules:
(1) During the event period, there is no limit to the level of seed distribution, and all members can directly release seeds.
(2) Publishers should strictly abide by the upload rules, and fill in the seed information in a standardized and complete manner.
(3) It is forbidden to publish resources marked with prohibition of reprinting on other sites
(4) Valid seeds refer to seeds that have passed the seed review and audit, with resources greater than 1G, seeded within 24 hours after release, and guaranteed to be seeded within 72 hours (recommended) until the end of the event).
The final rewards of the event can only be claimed once for each level, and will not be counted across levels. The invitation right can be sent by the management group to the designated mailbox (valid within one year).
The final interpretation right of the event belongs to the Mingjiao management team. If you have any questions about the event, please PM the management team.
5. Award setting:
The first place rewards one-year VIP + one-year Rainbow ID + 20 invitation rights; the
second award one-year VIP + half-year Rainbow ID + 20 invitation rights; the
third prize rewards one-year VIP + half-year Rainbow ID + 10 invitations Rights
The 4th-10th place rewards 180-day VIP + half-year Rainbow ID + 10 invitation rights
The 11-20th place rewards 90-day VIP + 90-day Rainbow ID + 5 invitation rights
The 21-30th place rewards 90-day VIP + 5 invitations Rights
The top 30 will get a deluxe version of Mingjiao 1st Anniversary badge.
Those who have made more than 50 seeds will get a regular version of the 1st Anniversary Badge.
Contribution Award: 50,000 magic power. Participation award: 10,000 magic power.