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iAnon News


Jul 19, 2023
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New features and updates!

Hey everyone, we hope you've been doing well. Although we've been keeping things quiet lately, rest assured, we've been hard at work behind the scenes to bring you an exciting and massive update, loaded with a bunch of new features. Plus, we have some other noteworthy announcements, including our official acceptance of Monero as a donation method.

New features and updates:

Reviews section
Ever wanted to share your thoughts on apps? Now you can with our brand-new Reviews section! But hold on, it's more than meets the eye. Dive in, explore its features, and get rewarded with bonus points (BP) just for writing a review. And guess what? If your review gets selected as a featured one, you'll earn even more BP!

We're accepting Monero donations
Responding to our members' requests, we've made this significant update regarding donations.

Our wallet address:
46qgBbiE3VZgd65rvnfN6gQ1R9Ru9sVuV4gMDYnp5S8F6Q6hg7 8Ey2QYewabaZUY1nPx3qwUiMa3FQ7eRmr73HWQJ2D5UkB

Why Monero:
Monero has been gaining immense popularity in the crypto world, especially among those who value privacy in their online transactions. Its advanced privacy features ensure secure and confidential transactions, making it an ideal choice for the private torrent community.

Do not distribute (dnd) torrents
We understand the importance of respecting the wishes of our members. Hence, we've introduced DND torrents. Some members may request their uploads not to be distributed on any other sites, and we fully support that. Leaked content is a tricky issue, but if it happens on our site, we'll take action to address it. If you spot any DND torrents that were shared elsewhere, please let us know, and we'll thoroughly investigate the matter.

Torrent accessibility levels
To ensure the best experience for our Power Users and above, we've implemented different access levels for exclusive content.

Temp exclusive torrents:[/B]
Available only to Power Users+ for the first two weeks.
Exclusive Torrents:
Accessible exclusively by Power Users+ indefinitely.

New emotes
Express Yourself with Discord-Style Emotes!
We're thrilled to introduce our brand-new emotes, inspired by the beloved emote system on Discord! Just like on Discord, using emotes here is as simple as typing a colon before and after the emote name, like this: :funny:.

Enhanced forms with hints
We've revamped our forms, making them more user-friendly and informative. Whether you're submitting a torrent, creating a collage, making a request, or writing a review, you'll find helpful hints along the way to streamline the process.

General website aesthetic unification
We've worked on unifying the website's overall aesthetic, providing a more cohesive and visually pleasing experience for all users.

Better whutbbcode editor integration
With enhanced WHUTBBCODE editor integration, formatting and styling your posts will be easier and more seamless than ever before.

And we've of course taken the time to address various minor bugs to improve site performance and user satisfaction.

We believe in fostering a respectful and supportive community, which is why we take DND requests seriously. If we discover any member violating the DND policy by distributing such content elsewhere, appropriate actions, such as banning or disabling their leeching rights, will be taken.

Lastly, we encourage all members to be vigilant and report any DND torrents that may have been leaked outside our site. Your cooperation will help maintain the integrity of our platform and support the creators' wishes.

We appreciate your continued support and hope you enjoy the latest updates and features. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements in the future!