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icc2022 News


Apr 14, 2022
Reaction score
Rating - 88.9%
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The site opens to accept donation notifications
Due to the large expenses such as site maintenance, ordinary people with a monthly income of about 4k cannot fully support it, so they decided to start accepting donations.
Donations are divided into 3 levels, please make a decision according to your own situation.
1. Donate and register as
a VIP for 1 month, 2000 magic points, no assessment for novices, no downloads, no sharing rate requirements, and all resources are free.
2. Donation (one-year VIP)
1-year VIP, 3 permanent invitations, 1W magic value, 1-year rainbow title, no assessment for novices, no downloads, no sharing rate requirements, all resources are free.
3. Donation registration (permanent VIP),
permanent VIP, 5 permanent invitations, 10W magic value, permanent rainbow ID, all subsequent badges will be given free of charge, newbies will be exempted from assessment, downloads will not be counted, no sharing rate requirements, and resources will be free.

You can donate through the donation button in the upper right corner or donate through this site: https://juanzeng.icc2022.com/
For the long-term existence of the site, only USDT (TRC20) donations are accepted. If other methods are found, they will be updated at any time. Click to
view the USDT donation tutorial
and click to download the latest Ouyi platform (Android) installation package