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Insane News


Jul 19, 2023
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Russian hackers upload malicious programs to the site on behalf of hacked users.
We ask everyone not to download unapproved programs/games!
Users' login details (username+password) are stolen on other sites (not necessarily torrents!) and then logged in here.
Of course, we try to remedy this as best we can:

1. We revoke the uploading rights of hacked users and then ban the user.
If you get banned, that's probably why.
In such cases, write to our contact email and be sure to change your passwords, especially where you use the same passwords as this one.
We will generate a password for you and restore the user with it.It is important not to reset your old password in this case! You can use another one, just not the old one and not the one you use elsewhere! If you do reset your old password, you may be permanently banned!

2. Users' first upload will only be followed by more if the first one is approved We
will add this modification shortly. This process will be as follows: Those who have not uploaded before can only upload one torrent. Until it is approved, you will not be able to upload more + the first upload will be hidden in the download list until accepted.

3. We are introducing multifactor login (optional)
Since this will not be mandatory, it will help less, but those who want to keep their users safe can at least use it. We will add this in the summer.

Use a different password than in other places!

New server
Since our current server is completely outdated, we are moving to a new one. If we're lucky, it won't cost more than that. The maximum effect of this will be a short shutdown. We will tell you when (sometime in August).
