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pandapt News


Apr 14, 2022
Reaction score
Rating - 88.9%
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Long-term recruitment web group
Dear site members,

in order to expand our official category and provide better services, we have decided to recruit new Web team members for a long time. If you love sharing resources, have enough ability to upload and save seeds, and are willing to contribute energy and time to the site, you are welcome to join our team.

Interested in contacting the mailbox of the management group, recruitment requirements:
1. There is no part-time web group at other stations.
2. Sufficient upload bandwidth ensures timely seeding.
3. Have time, have hobbies, have dedication, and be able to complete follow-up dramas in time.
4. Have at least one member account of any streaming media in China. At present, the only streaming media abroad is KKTV (you need to hang up the ladder to log in, and the download can be turned off).
5. The number of seeds reviewed in this site is ≥ 5.
6. Do not hide your ears and steal the bell, and prohibit stealing, modifying resources of other stations and publishing this website.
7. Serve for more than half a year.

Tools are provided within the group and guided in their use.

You are welcome to let us know the resources you want to see in time, please move to the seeding area , and we will do our best to provide them to you.

Interested parties please contact our management team mailbox. Or the recruitment area Thank you for your attention and support!