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PolishTracker News


Jul 19, 2023
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IMPORTANT: Changing the password policy.

A few weeks ago, passwords from various other Polish sites were leaked. Many users used the same passwords on these sites as on PT, which of course resulted in hacking of some of these accounts. In order to ensure the security of our community, we have decided to change the password policy on PT.

Two-step verification (so-called 2FA) has been introduced as an optional additional account security. For this verification, we use the so-called TOTP, i.e. one-time time-limited codes that must be entered when logging in or other activities related to account security. An example of a phone app that can be used for 2FA is Google Authenticator. There is an example of how to use it in this forum thread, if you have any questions or problems feel free to post there:

Enabling 2FA is voluntary, but anyone who enables 2FA on their account will receive 15% more bonus points than those with 2FA disabled. So worth it! All people who do not enable 2FA will have to generate a new password in Settings. Accounts with 2FA turned off will not be able to set their own password, only system generated passwords will be available.

Please do not use generated passwords on other websites! If a password is not generated on the account by the end of August, the system will generate it automatically and log out the user, which will result in the need to use the password recovery system.