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PTP News


Jul 19, 2023
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The message you've been waiting for, and for some transparency’s sake (and to ease tensions due to ongoing prolonged downtime): Unfortunately some of our stuff went down together with IRC and it caught us out at a very inopportune time with people being busy due to the time of year and IRL responsibilities and ongoing personal issues. Being that we’re volunteer based, it will likely be a while before we return to full strength. The short of it is that it was just awful timing, above all else. I hope by the time we’re back, the long-promised server migration will hopefully happen that has been on hold for a while now. Once the server migration happens, things will be immediately be more stable so the extended downtime won’t keep happening like it has been. We’re not going anywhere, we’ll be back to full strength in the future and once we do, I’ll ensure we hold some type of site event to apologize for the downtime. Probably the upload contest I’ve been mentioning for a while now, or maybe an extended freeleech event. On behalf of our entire team, and entire community: thank you for the ongoing support and outpouring of love you’ve sent the staff and community’s way. It is never lost on us how important the site is. We all really miss our favorite site and we hope to be back as soon as we can.