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Apr 14, 2022
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Rating - 88.9%
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free for 2 days on the whole site
In order to thank the members of the management team of this site for their hard work in the past few months, and to thank the members for their support to the site, the site management team decided to limit the entire site to 2 days, time: August 5, 2023-August 7, 2023 .
During this period, the team members of the management team, release team, and species preservation team worked very hard, and all members also supported and cooperated with the site construction work. Here, on behalf of the site management team, I would like to say thank you to everyone! In order to allow everyone to collect the movies they want, the team members of the site management team unanimously decided to open the entire site for free (regardless of downloads) downloads from time to time every month. For every 1,000 seeds you upgrade online, you will be exempted from standing for 1 day.