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Jul 19, 2023
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Explanation on the feedback on the recent novice assessment

Since the site was launched, thanks to the support of all members, the development of the site is normal and orderly, and all the officials and staff have dedicated themselves to making their own contributions to the development of the site. The rules of the site are also being continuously improved. Since the start of the novice assessment system, most members have been able to pass the examination easily, but some of the personnel for the purpose of harvesting failed the assessment, which is also a normal phenomenon.

Recently, many newcomers have complained a lot about the site's inbound assessment rules, thinking that this site is a small site, and even put themselves at risk, posting comments and pointing fingers at the site's management work, here the management team I just want to say that as a PT player, these people are not qualified, and you are not qualified to let the management rules of the site change because of you, and you are not qualified to teach the management team to do things.

The management team hereby makes the following explanations for the novice assessment:

1. The magic power of the site is very easy to earn. What all members do is to hang seeds and keep them. The official seeds double the magic power, and it is very easy to complete the 15,000 assessment.
2. The rules for assessing magic power will not change, and it is impossible to lower the standard because some people are unwilling to hang seeds.
3. It is not allowed to gossip about the rules of this site in public places. If you are unwilling to participate in the assessment, you can apply for self-ban or remove the site member list with the assessment rules. This site will not retain it.
4. Do not post on the forum to discuss the magic rules of inbound entry for newbies again.
5. Due to the new site, this site does not restrict the seeding for novices, but only requires everyone to follow the rules, so that there is no situation where the upload volume is difficult to complete.
6. To those BT players, please stay away from this site. This site generates electricity for love, not for you BT players, but for members with a spirit of sharing.
7. For Xianyu players, this site may say goodbye to you in the near future. Since you don't want to play, why register, this site does not support zombie members, since you don't want to contribute to the development of the site, then I have to ask you to leave.
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