brokenstones News


Apr 14, 2022
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Uploading Appreciation and Privileges at BrokenStones

To begin, the entire team at BrokenStones extends heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated uploaders for their invaluable contributions.

As you may have observed, BrokenStones now operates on a model where our members play a pivotal role in supplying uploads, steering away from the centralized approach of a year ago. We firmly believe that a thriving community thrives on decentralized uploaders.

Over the past year, as BrokenStones underwent a significant transformation, our staff took note of concerns raised by some esteemed members regarding the management practices of the past. Regrettably, there were instances where Upload Privileges were revoked, often for petty rule violations that could have been easily rectified.

In our ongoing effort to address this, we have been conducting private investigations into accounts with disabled upload capabilities on a case-by-case basis. Now, we invite you to step forward. If your Upload Privileges were summarily removed and you wish to resume uploading, please send a StaffPM. We commit to reviewing your case as promptly as our workload allows.

We acknowledge potential concerns about maintaining quality standards amidst this approach. Rest assured, we are equipped to handle such situations. If you encounter an issue, report it. If you can remedy it, take the initiative to fix it. Reporting and addressing subpar uploads contribute significantly to our community's well-being, and we all share responsibility for our collective success.

Whether you're actively seeding torrents, reporting issues, making or fulfilling requests, contributing to the wiki, or generously donating funds, every action counts and plays a vital role in keeping the gears of BrokenStones turning smoothly. Together, we uphold the strength and success of our community.

The BrokenStones Staff