

Aug 29, 2013
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Tracker-ul public a fost scos din lista de announce si totul a revenit la normal.
Daca gasiti ceva in neregula, va rugam sa contactati un membru al staff-ului.

Probabil unii dintre voi au fost revoltati sau confuzi odata cu anuntul referitor la trackerul public din lista de announce, insa este stiut faptul ca aceasta comunitate este formata, in majoritate, din oameni care traiesc pe teritoriul Romaniei, deci oameni care nu trebuie sa se ingrijoreze atunci cand descarca materiale de aici, atata vreme cat nu le comercializeaza.

Adaugarea acestui tracker a fost facuta pentru revenirea cat mai rapida a posibilitatii de download, astfel incat utilizatorilor nostri sa nu le lipseasca filmele si serialele lor preferate.

Dupa cum spuneam mai sus, din acest moment tracker-ul nostru privat este singurul ramas in lista de announce.

Ne cerem scuze pentru anuntul tarziu referitor la tracker-ul public si va multumim pentru rabdare.


The public tracker has been removed from the announce list and everything is back to normal, if you find something that doesn't work as it should, please contact the staff.
I know that some of you may have been revolted when you heard that we added the public tracker, but please understand that our userbase is mainly formed from people that live in Romania, where we have no regulations against torrenting so because of that, we added the public tracker for those who really wanted to download from us.
As I was saying above, everything is back to normal and our (private) tracker is the only on in the announce list.

We are sorry once again for notifying you only after it was added.