
Mar 25, 2023
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I say this every time it comes up, and I'll repeat it again this time: I HATE asking for donations. I think the last real solid push for donations that I personally made was around 2 years ago, right before we started releasing 4K content. And since then our encoders have delivered IMMENSELY! But our reserves now are getting really low. We've got an annual renew of our main server coming up in the next 2-3 weeks, which is going to eat up about 70-80% of what we have left. And then 3-4 weeks after that we need have an annual renewal of our IRC server (which I'm not sure if we'll have enough money for after the main server). And then on top of that, we have DNS renewals later this year, along with another server that needs to be renewed monthly. To put it simply, we have enough to renew the absolute bare minimum, but shortly after that we're going to start losing other systems that support the running of the site and help simplify the process for all of our encoders.

We tried running a donation drive in October / at Sublimoween, and I think we hit around 50% of our goal? Then we kinda tried to mention it again last month but didn't draw in enough to cover the gap. This is not at all a knock against the people that did donate. Every / any donation is greatly appreciated, and we try to reciprocate the generosity by unofficially offering guaranteed requests to users that donate €25 or more. But the few active staff / encoders that we do have can't be expected to support the site both with their labor and their wallets.

Also, I hope this goes without saying, but every single cent that gets donated goes strictly towards the site. We don't skim / pocket / misallocate anything. Everything that you give supports the site 100%.

Thank you to everybody that's supported the site in any / every way already, and please help fill the kitty so that we can continue to keep all of our systems running so this place can continue being the great site that it is.

- b......r
