Tracker upload difficulty and help suggestions!


Advanced Member
Jun 1, 2012
There is some trackers where it seems to me that it seems impossible to increase my upload credit at a satisfiable time.
I this thread would be nice to talk about the easiest way to upload at specific trackers.
Would be very valuable to the community to be able to know the best ways to increase our upload ratio at specific sites, this way we are gonna be able to bigger buffers quick and become power users and get those invites early. this way more invites to be spread on this community



x264 - upload rating: DIFFICULT----Many internal releases, so cross seeding is almost impossible.
DB9 - upload rating: DIFFICULT----Not many leechers. The only solution is to download a new torrent and stick with it.
thevault - upload rating: DIFFICULT---- It's becoming a little bit easier when you get a higher level class and you are able to download the exclusive releases.
theplace - upload rating: DIFFICULT----Not many leechers to help the situation !!!

-HDBits - medium/hard if you just keep refreshing the page and hit all Series ind 720p and all new blu Ray movies (720p and 1080p) - but a 1 gbit seedbox is a very good idea, and stay away from big packs unless you ration can handle it, and watch out for crossseed
-FSC - easy just grab some freeleech packs, they are add all the time (but remember to seed, or you Will get a warning)
-Exigo - easy, just hit new uploads and let them seed (few users have seedbox inthere) - but don't overseed becouse this Will give you allot badwill from the uploaders
-Cinemageddon - upload rating: EASY ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-TranceTraffic - upload rating: EASY ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-Sceneaccess - upload rating: EASY ---- download from 0day/mp3 and archive, all freeleech. RSS archive and/or IRSSI archive and 0day/mp3
-Swebits[/COLOR] - user rating: EASY----upload rating: VERY EASY----just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, not much of a problem. If you have Sparvar and TTi it helps to cross from those at times aswell.
-TorrentLeech - upload rating: EASY ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-BitmeTV - upload rating: DIFFICULT ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-Bitme - upload rating: DIFFICULT ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-WhatCD - upload rating: PATIENCE ---- Downloading old and sometimes even new torrents don't get you any upload. Best suggestions never stop seeding and hit monthly staff and uploaders picks.
-Waffle - upload ration: DIFFICULT ---- Be very choosy what you download as new. Best to try and take torrents from and upload them to make good ratio. Also by browsing top 10 your able to find freeleech content. Download that and seed, seed and seed.
-BitHuman - upload rating: VERY EASY----just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, no problem whatsoever. - medium, hit good books that you think people will read, and let Them seed for a long time - hard, very few grabs the books inthere, so hard to seed, but again just hit the books people know, and keep Them seeded
-Pedro - easy just hit new torrents (but remember don't seed to much = warning)
-TTi - upload rating: EASY ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever. Tons of freeleech and great bonus system.
-SceneHD - upload rating: EASY ---- just see the new freeleech torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-UTN - upload rating: EASY ---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever. Nice bonus system as well.
-PirateTheNet (PTN) - Ratio Free Upload and Download count together towards overall traffic
-BCG - upload rating: MEDIUM----just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-revTT - upload rating: EASY----just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-Ethor - upload rating: VERY EASY---- just see the new torrents that have 1 seed and like 4 or more leeches on it and just download it, it has worked wonders for me and no problem uploading whatsoever
-BTN - Ratio Free
-FTN - Ratio Free
-iTS - Ratio Free
-TheGift - Ratio Free - Ratio Free