Destiny Gives Suros Arsenal Pack to Those Pre-Ordering The Taken King


May 8, 2015
Video game developer Bungie has been talking about weapons for Destiny recently and the studio and publisher Activision are announcing that a Suros Arsenal Pack is set to be offered to those who place a pre-order for The Taken King expansion or get the special Collector's Edition.

All those who have already paid for the coming content are included in the new offer, and the two companies are saying that those outside the United States can get it, although in the country it seems that it will only be offered via GameStop.
No platforms restrictions are linked to the new promotion, according to a Bungie clarification.
The Suros Arsenal Pack will deliver one unique shader, one emblem and three main weapons.
Those who do not plan to place a pre-order and will only buy the regular version of The Taken King for Destiny after it launches will be able to get the same content starting on January 1, 2016, through gameplay, without having to pay anything else.
The company has clearly listened to the community, which has been critical about its promotional decisions, but some fans are still angry about the way content is linked to pre-orders.

[h=3]The Taken King will expand the arsenal of Destiny
Recently the development team has explained that the amount of new weapons included in the expansion will be higher than what gamers received when they picked up the base title in late 2014.
A recent preview talked about three new manufacturers, each with its unique vision which will be reflected in the way gamers will be able to customize their guns.
Bungie is also delivering a major balance pass for all weapons in the update 2.0, which will accompany the arrival of The Taken King, dealing with both base categories and making sure that the most popular tools used by the players offer more variety.,
The expansion will also offer gamers a new and big six main raid, one huge dreadnought to explore, an increased level cap for Guardians and a range of other tweaks for modes and features.
The Taken King will be offered on September 15 of this year on all platforms on which the social shooter is available.