EU backs Greece, rejects Turkish ‘use of migrants’


Jan 9, 2020
Afp, Brussels
EU members on Wednesday rejected what they said is Turkey's use of desperate migrants to pressure its neighbours -- and strongly backed Greece's border crackdown.

In a statement agreed by European interior ministers meeting in Brussels, the 27 capitals said the "situation at the EU's external borders is not acceptable".

Earlier, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government had denied that it was using the threat of a wave of migrants to "blackmail" the EU.

But the EU statement said the bloc "strongly rejects Turkey's use of migratory pressure for political purposes".

Ankara wants Brussels to step up support for the 3.7 million refugees and migrants that Turkey is already hosting, and back Turkey in its increasingly intense confrontation with the Syrian regime.

But EU members insist Turkey must stick to a previous deal in which Brussels agreed to pay billions of euros in exchange for Turkey preventing refugees and migrants from crossing to Greece.

"Illegal crossings will not be tolerated," the EU statement said.

"In this regard, the EU and its Member States will take all necessary measures, in accordance with EU and international law.

"Migrants should not be encouraged to endanger their lives by attempting illegal crossings by land or sea."

The ministers urged Turkey to "relay this message and counter the dissemination of false information".

The ministers also strongly backed fellow member Greece, despite the United Nations refugee agency warning that Greece's suspension of asylum claims has no legal basis.