NXTAIT Project!


Jun 26, 2014
Hello! Not sure if this is ok to post/ask! If no, delete or whatever x)...

Anyways, i am making a "sort of" "Nextgen" project, about making P2P more... how to put it... accessible by ANY platforms and to secure P2P ways.

My project name: NXTAIT
Full Project Name: NeXT Artificial Intelligence Tracker

The idea is to of course allow all users around to world with ALL PLATFORMS! To access the P2P website without trouble!

However! Not only is the tracker about making it more accessible! It's about being more "safe" downloading & uploading!

For instance many trackers (and many still online for that matter!) are being raided because they rent a server/domain online on a place where law is enforced in full!
I am going to change that! Not by making hosting available for people myself, but making "Torrents" running a new way!

The idea is to make the project a "Stand Alone" project! This means we will code EVERYTHING from bottom to top ourself!

And not only it's a P2P tracker! It will be a social project! Where everyone is welcome! Coders, designers, musicians, H3ll i even have plans on adding a cinema to the project that can stream online movies FROM the server itself to the people that has paid and stuff... but like i said... i have ALOT in my mind about this project!

Anyways bottom line is really just to "Expand" the P2P world to not only be a P2P world! It will be a social place for everyone! News reporters etc... i have ALOT of ideas to implent to this project!

But to say a little bit more about the Torrents on the server!
Many people in here that has (or haven't) have had a tracker online, the reason the other torrent trackers probably were taken down was probably because the server company or for some other reason, someone noticed they had ".torrent" files on their server!

My new way will change that in a whole different way!

If you are a "hacker" like me, you will know that it is possible to hide messages inside pictures/images and to send those encrypted over the internet, but also available not to be touched by federal punK's out there like anti-pirates and so on, since they only ARE images!

So my idea is simple! I will make a code that will make a simple image online, hide the Torrent details needed to be saved inside the picture to make the whole damn P2P work, and then when a user downloads this "image" he/she will download a normal ".torrent" file as usual, the file will be created FROM the server-side!

However this is just an idea that "maybe" will revolutionize! I'm still working on details but looking good so far!

And when/if this is gonna work! Imagening one picture inside 1 folder that will instead of "2000000000" torrent files fighting not to lagg to much because of the space inside the folder...

Of course there could be other ways online!

But take a look at it this way! If we could "re-do" the code inside a picture on the server-side, the federals would have no chance against us! Even in court/trials! I mean they can't ban pictures online! That would be to ban google, tinypic etc... too bad even to consider haha!

So what i am asking is really simple, i have studies myself and this would go "SO MUCH!" faster if i had a helping hand!

So what i'm asking is simple:

A helping hand, coder & designer ( i am using "Bootstrap Version 3" )

Project files will be given once i have been speaking to you about the project, you have to know how it's all connected before you can work on it... you have to get my idea before you really can enter the whole coding thing!

Anyways! Been writing tooo much already! I just hope you are willing to consider joining my project! I have BIG plans for the future once online! :)

Thanks for your time, sorry for bad english etc... been a while x)...

Write a PM if you have interest in joining me :)

Thanks, Mr H.


• BiG BoSS •
Staff member
May 18, 2012
The idea seems very ineresting, and i like it for sure, I will support you as much as i can but i think its not that easy you need a big experience team with much free time, I can help if i could. So pm me if you need any help
But idea is excellent if really that possible to be done.

Keep it up bro


Jun 26, 2014
Thanks godfather! I knew there was a reason for that name of yours! ;)

Anyways, i will keep you to the team-list! Thanks!

And i dont need you guys all the time.. that's the reason i said "helping hand".. means when you are available ;)

If you wanna have them, the files i mean, you can get the project already now if you wanna? :)
Avaiting your reply bro!
Thanks again! :)


• BiG BoSS •
Staff member
May 18, 2012
No i have no idea about such info, but i can help in another way if i could.


May 18, 2012
Can you add me on skype: chilldealing
the idea is pretty interesting and i might show it to someone that knows computers well


Jun 26, 2014
@Dele - I have now added you on skype! My nickname in there is Doomed :)

Thanks! ;)

@God - No probs meight! I will keep you in mind tho! :)

Thanks! ;)


Jun 26, 2014
thanks @Bato! Sorry for the late reply tho... bitches as my school dumped me, so had to find work and stuff for until August, lifes hard haha ^^'

Anyways, keep u to the team-list!
Thanks! U can expect an PM at anytime from me in this website if i need your help! :)

Thanks again! :)