Pete Wentz: Uma Thurman gave us blessing


May 23, 2015
In an interview with Billboard, Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy reveals the details behind their hit single "Uma Thurman".

On getting Uma Thurman's permission: "...the Uma Thurman melody idea came up, and we were like, okay, now we'll reach out to Uma and see if she's down with us doing this, because otherwise we're going to have to go back to the drawing board and figure it out."

Does Uma like the song? "Yeah, I don't know how she really feels about the song, but she's ok about naming it Uma Thurman, which is cool. "

The highlights of being on tour with Wiz Khalifa "I like seeing Wiz everyday. He's got such a good vibe about him. It's almost like a hippie vibe. It's good for the morale of the tour, and then he comes out and usually does "Uma Thurman" with us. We've been doing this band for 13, 14 whatever years. I think that challenging ourselves to do new things is important. It's hard to find new things sometimes, you know? People said this tour was going to be polarizing, but we're doing bigger numbers than we've done before, you know? I think it's probably tapping into different kids or something."